American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.
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03 December 2004
In typical american media fashion they drop this at the last second of friday:
Bush's Ohio win narrower than thought 4:08 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // Talk about snooping. . .
Try this website out:
NewsMeat It will tell you what anyone has donated to the Dems or Repubs since the 70's provided they donate over $200. See what your friends, family, neighbors. . . anyone has been upto. . . 9:52 AM // Blogroll AE // Email // 30 November 2004
oil and Iraq
Some more fallout from this administrations handleing of the war in Iraq comes from the use of money from oil (I wonder how and/or if Haliburton is involved. . .). Frank Willis, a recent American official in Iraq says "[t]here was, in my mind, pervasive leakage in [the] assets of Iraq, and to some extent, those assets were squandered" the story (from NBC) continues:
In one photograph, Willis and colleagues showed off a $2 million payment to a security contractor. to change the subject, check this out: 'Blog' Tops U.S. Dictionary's Words of the Year 7:59 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // Fallujah Report. . .
. . .from the military so obviously not the whole story. . .
But remember the talk of all the foreign fighters in the area? They found two, only two!! ![]() I really have no point just that the facts are very often wrong and I feel that spin is the reason for this. Everyone in damage control was telling us that it was foreign fighters in Iraq causing us all the problems, but that seems to be false. go read more from Dr. Cole. . . 4:17 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // 29 November 2004
Light Posting. . .
Posting will be light for a while as I make my way through exams and then the Holidays, but I will be back at it, in full-form in 2k5!!
For now. . . My favorite country has a big visit coming soon and it ain't Santa. But could it be Satan in bush form? Te-He! This is a covert mission as our friendly neighbors to the North have a bit of a grudge for this administration. The caption from under the pic from this report 'bout says it all. . . Parliament Hill is barricaded with locked fences in preparation for the official visit by U.S. President George W. Bush on Tuesday. BBC has more. . . Even cooler, but equally unimportant is the pending War Crimes announcement that will come out later this week (from this German paper) Please excuse sloppy translation: At the current Tuesday, the "center becomes for Constitutional Rights" complaint because of the Iraq war against the US Minister of Defense, the former CIA-boss and other US-management submit by the general alliance lawyer in Karlsruhe. They are accused by the human right organization of the peoples infringement. America the Argentina of the 21st century. --> Update --> There is more from Reuters. . . --> 2nd Update --> This is going to make for some interesting spin for the next few days: Red Cross Finds Detainee Abuse in Guantánamo The International Committee of the Red Cross has charged in confidential reports to the United States government that the American military has intentionally used psychological and sometimes physical coercion "tantamount to torture" on prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Finally, after the election you would think that the act of releasing tuff or damaging news on Friday to "soften the blow" and line up the spinners for Sunday would come to an end but this report (.pdf) was slipped by Wednesday before ThxGvg break. The Christian Science Monitor has a good piece on it. In fact, this post from CSM is actually good and needs to be read (that means there is to much to post and even more links). Just to back it up, read this from the AP. 5:04 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // |
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