American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.
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01 October 2005
Iraq: Something has got to change
I'll start with Bush in the cross hairs because it's easy...
Boy King's mouth says "All Americans can have confidence in the military commanders who are leading the effort in Iraq, and in the troops under their command ... They have made important gains in recent weeks and months; they are adapting our strategy to meet the needs on the ground; and they're helping us to bring victory in the war on terror." First of all I wouldn't call it a victory, if we come out of this 100% victorious it would only be a return to normal with respect to terror. Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism and, try as you might, was not a front against terror. But now it is. Now men flock from surrounding countries and Northern Africa to fight American and Western troops. Now about the 100% victory, it'll never happen. We will cut-n-run. The MSM will hardly notice and take the bait hook, line, and sinker. There will be a big celebration, a Bush speech, and lots of back-patting; but in a short time Iraq will spiral out of control and Bush and the war party will blame the new Iraqi government and/or Syria and Iran. In addition, when Bush pleasures himself to the thought that the Iraqi army will step in and begin taking the lead and indicating (as was in July) that we can pull (at least our ground troops) out of Iraq. That is all talk, I don't think anyone that understands the reality of this war and what is going on all across the Islamic world thinks we'll be out of there anytime soon. Gen. Casey, who brought up the idea of troop withdrawal in July (to begin pull out in 2006) has now reneged on that idea as nothing has changed in Iraq and the upcoming referendum doesn't appear to be a turning point in terms of sectarian violence in Iraq. Furthermore; The commander of American troops in Iraq has shocked Congress with a bleak assessment of the state of the Iraqi security forces, admitting that the number of battalions ready to fight on their own has dropped from three to one. Moderate Repubs sense that Iraq is slipping away John McCain, a senior Republican senator, said the Pentagon had tried to fight the war with too few troops and he lambasted the outgoing chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Gen Richard Myers, for being too optimistic. So how do we leave Iraq? I'm not arguing for immediate withdrawal, I can't understand why that would make things any better; for the Iraq people we have occupied and for the long-term repercussions of handing over Iraq to two opposing militias. But in contrast, isn't our presence there some of the cause of the fighting? [UPDATE] expressed by US Generals here. Finally I think they are getting it. America wants a new plan but a lot of the Dems in Washington still repeat the tired talking point; "stay the course". F that! We need a new course!, a new vision and we know it isn't coming from Bush (I suspect some fat cat is getting his pockets lined). Of course some Dems have spoken out but few are leaders or bid names. The ideas are out there: there is a new one from The Center for American Progress (here), and a great summary of the current debate here. But clearly something needs to change. When a scholar at the Hudson Institute (neocon Street, USA!!) says The invasion of Iraq was the "greatest strategic disaster in United States history," a retired Army general said yesterday Mr. pResident, yet again you have deceived. Please purge your foreign policy, it sucks, and UBL is still free! Posted by Geoff 10:43 AM // Blogroll AE // Email // 30 September 2005
bushCo violated the law
Man when it rains it pours in Washington. The GAO just reamed the administration, how convenient it’s on Friday...
Federal auditors said today that the Bush administration had violated the law by purchasing favorable news coverage of President Bush's education policies, by making payments to the conservative commentator Armstrong Williams and by hiring a public relations company to analyze media perceptions of the Republican Party. What an apex of late; Frist, Delay, Miller then this! Add to that list the ongoing occupation and clean-up efforts in the Gulf(s). If I only thought something would come of any of these... Posted by Geoff [UPDATE] just for you bloggingpoet ![]() 10:21 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // O'Brien v. Myers
link through Col. Lang
MILES O'BRIEN: You know, General, I've got to say, I'm having a hard time seeing the signs of success. We don't have much evidence that the Iraqis are stepping up to the plate. The U.S. is having to provide whatever security there is. We're approaching now 2,000 fatalities, lost U.S. men and women, and I see what I see are an increase spade of violence and I see a country on the cusp of civil war. How is that success? What a hack, and just a while ago Rummy said he (Myers) may be the best Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair ever!!! Better than Marshall? I highly doubt that unless he does something very special in the coming days... Oh wait... He's gone, stepped down. Col. Lang takes him to task as well... 3:39 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // 29 September 2005
Drinking Liberally - Charleston Do as I say, not as I do ... Fuel prices are higher than ever, the pResident urges us to "be better conservers" by carpooling, using public transportation and avoiding unnecessary trips ... WHILE HE JETS AROUND, SPENDING OVER $170,000.00 IN JET FUEL. 12:34 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // 27 September 2005
Mike 'brownie' Brown plays the blame game Former FEMA director Michael Brown blamed others for most government failures in responding to Hurricane Katrina on Tuesday, especially Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin. He aggressively defended his own role. Upon reading this my first instinct was to grab Brown by the throat and shake the BS out of him. Screaming "You don't shift blame like that, not when your at the helm of a major gov't outfit you f'n hack." I mean what is he, a Republican? But then, while talking to a friend, I began to realize that he may have become the Repub fall guy for the Katrina disaster. I can sort of understand defending yourself over party. But this is a Republican, they don't do that. For them it's party over everything. That's the way it is for them. fortunately, no one is buying it; His efforts to shift blame drew sharp criticism from Democratic and Republican lawmakers alike. But to sum up my feelings, Tom Davis, R-Va "At the end of the day, I suspect that we'll find that government at all levels failed the people of Louisiana and Mississippi and Alabama and the Gulf Coast," said Davis. Apparently brownie still gets a paycheck from the gov't!! Sighhhhh. Posted by Geoff 2:17 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // 25 September 2005
Bush's post-disaster plan
Did anyone NOT know this?
Military officials told President Bush on Sunday that the U.S. needs a national plan to coordinate search and rescue efforts following natural disasters or terrorist attacks. I mean seriously. This is just now being suggested to Bush? What is going on in DC? But then, the very next paragraph, Bush said he is interested in whether the Defense Department should take charge in massive national disasters. Whhaaaa? Yeah, that's great, I want the DoD in Charleston after a major hurricane, What BS. 11:36 AM // Blogroll AE // Email // |
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