American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.
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28 May 2005
Tough weekend ahead for families of Mississippi heroes
From the Dept. of Defense
The Department of Defense announced today the death of four soldiers who were supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom. They died on May 23 in Haswa, Iraq, when their military vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device. Meanwhile Mr. Bush is out this spewing this crap (from Faux News) ...historians will look back on the Iraq war as "America's golden moment." heh! I also noticed this He noted that the U.S.-led coalition in the War on Terror has dealt "serious, powerful blows" to terror regimes within the past weeks. Seriously, what were they? I must have missed something because I don't remember too many accomplishments. I may be wrong so if I am please inform me. 12:30 AM // Blogroll AE // Email // 27 May 2005
A somber Memorial Day
Memorial Day came to Minn State Senator Becky Lourey in the worst way possible yesterday. Her son, Chief Warrant Officer Matthew Lourey (serving on his second tour in Iraq), was killed when his helicopter was shot down near Baghdad by small arms fire.
![]() I don't know if it is appropriate, but anyone who would like to send their respects this is his mothers email address: In the words of Mott Street Senator Becky Lourey did what so many Americans could not imagine doing. ![]() you can read and comment at his diary here at the Daily Kos. 3:56 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // 26 May 2005
The Bolton Documents
What is in those documents that the Democrats requested on Bolton and why is bushCo. withholding them? [Update 830 pm 26 May]Armando asked the same question at dKos today as well.
Earlier in May Dems requested info that they suspected would prove that "Bolton was spying on other government officials he suspected of disagreeing with or undermining his views on sensitive topics such as Cuban and Syrian weapons capabilities." Mr. Biden said on Face the Nation (from Raw Story) "The real question here is how far did John Bolton stretch the truth or stretch the facts, regarding intelligence." Mr. Biden continued (as represented in the article)"the panel needed the documents to learn more about whether Mr. Bolton, as under secretary of state for arms control, had sought "to push the envelope" in making public assertions about Syria, Cuba and other countries that were not supported by objective intelligence assessments." Basically he wants to see if he is a warmonger. Dr. Rice says ...that the information involves "internal deliberations" and their disclosure could have a chilling effect on debates within the administration. Her State Dept stated "I don't think we're stiffing anybody here (...) We feel we've given all of the information that's required under those circumstances." Let me reiterate that the Dems are not obstructing anything! bushCo. is the party withholding information (information requested by members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee) and causing the obstruction. Don't believe the hype! I think Senator Jay Rockefeller knows something but can't disclose it. That said, let me ask again; What are they hiding? 6:56 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // Be proud Progressives
At request from prominent bloggers, Josh Marshall (TPM) and Markos Moulitsas (Daily Kos), IÂd like to thank you and congratulate you. We have done a lot together. We are
Anyway, be proud!! via Kos The most infuriating thing about Democrats is their fear of standing loud and proud. Rub it in their faces. Make sure American knows who killed Bush's attempts to dismantle social security. As Atrios notes, don't be afraid of what Russert and Broder and Tweety say. and Josh Add to this the fact that the president is clocking in at under 30% support on Social Security and most Americans now understand that he wants to dismantle the program and the whole thing really becomes a no-brainer. [UPDATE]I almost forgot Bolton. As I type this the vote in the Senate (6 pm) for Bolton's UN nomination is gearing up. Because of [UPDATE II]Bolton has been blocked!! Way to call it MSM. 4:08 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // Faux news is not 'Fair and Balenced'
Faux News man David Asman (ASSman ??) slips on air, true colors bleed through
ASMAN: You're the chairman of the rules committee. Did Senator [Bill] Frist [R-TN] have the votes to end the filibuster? Not to mention what Lott said is total BS. (via TPM and Media Matters) 11:10 AM // Blogroll AE // Email // 25 May 2005
Iraq News
Juan Cole has been asked how do we fix Iraq. Kind of a dumb question; It is beyond repair or at least in a time frame any American wants to here. He basically concludes that we will be there for another decade. I'm not an expert but I know more about the region than the average American, I'd say that 10 years is about right.
In an ideal world, the United States would relinquish Iraq to a United Nations military command, and the world would pony up the troops needed to establish order in the country in return for Iraqi good will in post-war contract bids. But that is not going to happen for many reasons. George W. Bush is a stubborn man and Iraq is his project, and he is not going to give up on it. And, by now the rest of the world knows what would await its troops in Iraq, and political leaders are not so stupid as to send their troops into a meat grinder. It hasn't been a fun week in Iraq, the signs of a civil war are surfacing. It will be hard for the MSM to ignore it for much longer. It even made it into one report yesterday In the northern city of Tal Afar, there were reports that militants were in control and that Shiites and Sunnis were fighting in the streets, a day after two car bombs killed at least 20 people. Police Capt. Ahmed Hashem Taki said Tal Afar was experiencing "civil war." Journalists were blocked from entering the city of 200,000. To further this pending disaster, southern Iraq is planning to form a semi-autonomous state. As Iraq begins writing its new constitution, leaders in the country's southern regions are pushing aggressively to unite their three provinces into an oil-rich, semi-autonomous state, a plan that some worry could solidify Iraq's sectarian tensions, create fights over oil revenues and eventually split the nation. Finally, the main focus of the MSM yesterday was a report that theal-Qaida in Iraq leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was injured. This may sound like good news, but what happens when he goes? The answer is he will be replaced and he will become a martyr for the resistance. So basically this issue creates an illusion of good news that is really bad in reality. 10:47 AM // Blogroll AE // Email // 24 May 2005
Frist intends to renege on deal
I wont say I told you so, but this was his statement Monday night
Mr. President, a lot has been said about the uniqueness of this body. And, indeed, our Senate is unique. And we all, as individuals and collectively as a body, have a role to play in ensuring its cherished nature remains intact. Which is not what is being reported by Congresses Daily PM which thinks that Frist will hold up his side of the bargin with Dobson later this week Senate Majority Leader Frist will file for cloture on President Bush's nomination of William Myers to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals later this week, according to sources on and off Capitol Hill, wasting no time in testing the resolve of 14 Republican and Democratic senators who forced at least a temporary halt to the battle over Democratic filibusters of President Bush's judicial picks. (Credit to ZanderOC of the dKos community and ThinkProgress) The MSM has picked this up, here.
10:39 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // Senator Voinovich lashes out at Bolton
Senator George R. Voinovich of Ohio issued a warning and a call for thought instead of partisan politics
In the letter, Mr. Voinovich said that while he had been "hesitant to push my views on my colleagues" during his years in the Senate, he felt "compelled to share my deep concerns" about Mr. Bolton's nomination. Well said Mr. Voinovich. If we could only get this out of the rest of the Republican caucus maybe this country would be worth it. Contact your Republican Senators ASAP, the vote is coming up next I believe. 10:27 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // Bush admits use of propaganda
In his continued failure at promoting his Social Security plan, Bush made this truthful statement.
Now, a personal savings account would be a part of a Social Security retirement system. It would be a part of what you would have to retire when you reach retirement age. As you -- as I mentioned to you earlier, we're going to redesign the current system. If you've retired, you don't have anything to worry about -- third time I've said that. (Laughter.) I'll probably say it three more times. See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda. (Applause.) Did you notice it? My main question is why the F would these idiots who support Bush clap? I know the average Bush supporter is not bright but come on! I'll probably say it three more times. See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda. (credit corrsman of the dKos community) 10:26 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // NC baptist are bastards ![]() This is why I hate bible beaters. The Reverend Creighton Lovelace of Danieltown Baptist Church says he believes it's a statement that the Bible is above any other religious book "that does not teach Christ as savior and lord." If there is a hell, I hope Reverend Lovelace burns in it. 1:35 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // Downing street - one more minute
Apian has the goods
[UPDATE]Apian has more!!! This is unbelievable stuff!! Read it here: what is happening here is a lie being unraveled. A minute dated 18 March 2003 from Elizabeth Wilmshurst (Deputy Legal Adviser) to Michael Wood (The Legal Adviser), copied to the Private Secretary, the Private Secretary to the Permanent Under-Secretary, Alan Charlton (Director Personnel) and Andrew Patrick (Press Office): Another smoking gun, deny all you want this war was illegal and the truth will prevail! From 'I' to 'law' in the first point were scrubbed by blairCo. Mom always said to tell the truth! Truth always prevails! 2:30 AM // Blogroll AE // Email // 22 May 2005
McCain develops a pair at Faux News
(dKos echo chamber, transcript link)
McCain was on Faux New Sunday today and sounded like a reasonable Repub. It's nice to see some reality come from the party of empire for a change. Still no word on a vote tally yet, although I am afraid that the Repubs will squeak a rule change out with Cheney breaking the tie this Tuesday :( WALLACE: I want to get to some of those issues in just a second, but let me just ask you sort of the next question, which is if you don't reach agreement, does the majority leader, Bill Frist, have the 50 Republican votes he needs, plus the tiebreaker from Vice President Cheney to, in fact, impose the nuclear option? 6:57 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // |
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