American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.

See ya in August!
As some of you may know I have a big opportunity lined up this summer in Washington. I’ll be working with the Center for American Progress on their blog ThinkProgress.org and their daily Progress Report as well as helping out as much as I can with the html code on their websites.
If you though my posting in the past few weeks was sparse you haven’t seen nothing yet. Why spend time working on a blog that gets a handful of hits per day when you can work on one that gets a couple million? Seems pretty cut and dry. But having my freedom will be lost somewhat so I’m sure I’ll be back from time to time.
Over the summer I plan on starting several blog orientated projects beyond American Entropy. Is this the end of American Entropy? Probably not. I have a friend who sporadically posts his rants and views here, and I will probably find an internet connection or feel passionate enough about something sometime and be back. But for now I’m going to focus on this opportunity. If any reader would like an opportunity to post here just leave a comment or email me and we’ll work something out.
As for the summer, it’s going to be amazing. Each morning I’ll ride a train into our Capital. Our offices are – roughly - three blocks from the White House. The same house that is occupied by the man who got me upset enough to take Poli. Sci. as a second major. Who knows where this opportunity will take me, but thank you Mr. Bush.
'Till later. Posted by Geoff
Sorry Michelle
[UPDATE] Think progress really piles on. First from the 2000 campaign and second at the 2001 inauguration. The second seems to be an error by the media outlet. We must not have been so xenophobic way back then. No one was outraged enough to correct the report.
But maybe you should read this from Think Progress.
Last week many responded to this post by Michelle Malkin where she lost it over a new version of the national anthem. We'll Think Progress uncovers that the only thing the new civil rights movement has done wrong is partake in a little creativity. We've had several versions of the national anthem, in other languages, since 1919.
Note, to the new civil rights movement, you already have several version of the Star-Spangled Banner Posted by Geoff
Troop levels in Iraq
Last week Sec. of State Rice was confronted yet again about troop levels in Iraq. This time it was from former Sec. of State Powell. She again assured everyone
"...I have no doubt that all of this was taken into consideration. But that when it came down to it, the president listens to his military advisers who were to execute the plan..." We'll we've heard that before. My question is are they listening to the advisors now, and do the advisors hear the commanders?
At a seminar at the School of Advanced Warfighting, Marine Corps University, Quantico, Washington Post gave us this tidbit from an article that highlighted how the military is now looking at the war on Iraq through a French-Algiers lens (very scary!):
Everyone in the room knew that U.S. commanders in Iraq already feel they are frequently thin on the ground, without adding a mission like that. I hope the administration is hearing things like this because it is serious. Posted by Geoff
What to do about Iraq?
[UPDATE] As was thought, the op-ed was thinned out. If you go to this link and read his speech on the subject you can see that his plan has addressed nore than the op-ed indicated. Thank you Sen. Biden for speaking out.
Today Sen. Biden published an editorial in the New York Times that was immediately called a plan for partition. That is false. In fact it is officers in the military who are discussing the possible partition of the country, not Senator Biden. Yet the White House dismissed it as a plan for partition. Leave it to the powers that be to mistake a plan for devolution as partition. It is so sad to see this happen but that's reality when your foreign policy is being decided by businessmen who know little about geopolitics except where the hydrocarbons are. If it was a mistake by the reporter then my apologies to the White House and a keep up the great work to the mainstream, traditional media; It seems clear that that is not the case.
Anyway, what Biden is proposing is the devolution of power; out of Baghdad and into separate ethnic regions. Powers that are regional region specific such as education, local security (police), et cetera. Still held by the state would be the big things such as the army and energy production, allocation, export, and revenue. This might sound like a partition but it's not, in fact it's a somewhat common and logical strategy. Partition would be part of the worst case scenario, the same one our current trajectory has Iraq headed. Bottom line, this is another plan. Place this beside all the other democratic plans the Republicans say don't exist. It's their favorite talking point right?
We want a plan from this administration because it appears that they have abused our military, our intelligence apparatus, and the public trust. A president that is not trusted does not deserve to wage any war without a consensus behind him.
Dr. Juan Cole takes another stab at it. It reads somewhat parallel to that of Biden but in my opinion better. Although I'd imagine Biden had some limitation on space, of which the blogosphere eliminates. Biden’s plan offers bullet points with plenty of uncertainties; which if you recall is what we got from the administration to begin with. Cole's ideas offer a more extensive plan...
Now that those who will remain nameless have had their turn at Iraq, and f'd it all up, it is time to get 'er done. Posted by Geoff