American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.

Drinking Liberally is moving on up and a brief update from DC
[For DL update scroll down.]
I thought that along with the update to the Drinking Liberally venue I'd give a little update on what I've been doing at the Center for American Progress (CAP) and Think Progress. First of all I am a little disappointed in the amount of work I've got to do with Think Progress but I've certainly been utilized elsewhere. So far the only post that I've written completely is this post concerning Haster's incorrect, rose-colored glasses inspired assessment of the electrical situation in Baghdad. The trolls were out that day and I got one of them to apologize to me because he was using the wrong data - off by like a year - to call me a liar. Long story short, we made up. I also go through my RSS feeds daily for news that may slip past the editors at Think Progress, which is what I do anyway so that's cool.
Anyway, this is the site to see most of my work at CAP, it is the Events page. Basically I go to most of the events held at CAP and take notes. Then I quickly edit, compress, and post them to the site so anyone can stream them in their home or wherever. It isn't in the best quality but worthwhile, especially if it is a subject you like. One recent event stands out that I can talk about: The Terrorism Index. This study made big news last week, a joint study by CAP and Foreign Policy magazine that took the opinions of a hundred terrorism experts and comes to the conclusion that our problem WRT terrorism is much worse than even I had thought. The Bush doctrine, all of it and a lot of it from before 11 September and even before 2000, has led us down a horrible path. We will be paying for years. (read it entirily fron FP or the summary from CAP)
Anyway, two of the guests were pretty interesting. Dr. Michael Scheuer of the CIA bin Laden unit and former Powell Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson. Both these men are Republican but absolutely furious with the sitting so-called Republicans. Dr. Scheuer is especially candid at times and says some shocking things - even for a "conserative Republican" - you'll have to watch the video or read the transcript to see what I mean. To come to the Dr.’s defense, if you separate our national security from human rights he is 100% correct.
Next week we will be sitting in on a lunch panel or lecture by the one and only Seymour Hersh, the topic being the lack of check and balances at a federal level. That is Tuesday, on Wednesday we will be working the Campus Progress 2006 National Student Conference featuring Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, Paul Begala, and Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, among others. So we got a big week there.
I'll probably be posting some video of a coworkers trip across the continent using YouTube, topic being Kick the Oil Habit, so look out for that. The future of this blog is in question, I am thinking of moving into a more academic setting and in the process shifting over to some more powerful blogging platforms, I'm also considering some podcasting. Keep an eye out for the switch, this site will remain up for some time after that occurs.
Now for the venue change for Drinking Liberally. Cheers!
IS IT 2008 YET?
No, we're afraid it's not 2008 yet, but in the interim, Drinking Liberally has done the impossible! Not only did the Post & Courier give us a fab write-up, but on the front page!
+ Above the fold! + At the TOP of the fold! + Lead story! + Associated Press even picked it up! + The Sun News (Myrtle Beach) + Island Packet (Hilton Head/Bluffton) + WIS-TV (Columbia) + National Public Radio
Those staid, conservative editors must've been on vacation when Jimmy filed his story. But we'll take it any way we can. Yeppers, any press is good press! Thank you gobs and bunches, Jimmy, for a great write-up! We owe you a pitcher of beer!!!
In case you've been waiting till Thursday afternoon to wake up and wonder what all this hoo-hah is about, do your homework before you join us (twas in Monday's edition)
To add to the excitement, we'll be moving this week to Juanita Greenberg's Nacho Royale on King Street. We're doing our best to keep smokers and nonsmokers happy, and this seems to be a great location. General Manager Brad and his sidekick Lou will stake out the back patio for us every Thursday. How thirsty do you plan to be? See if these happy hour prices will make you happy:
Margaritas $3 Domestic bottles $1.75 Imports $2.25 PBR $1 Margarita pitchers $12 Yuengling pitchers $5.25 PBR pitchers $4.75
Liberally yours, Sadie, Leslie & marilyn
Juanita Greenberg's 439 King Street - Downtown 5:30pm until we don't need yellow ribbons anymore This and every Thursday 843.723.NACHO(6224) On King, just a couple of blocks above Calhoun. Look for the blinking lights. Posted By Geoff