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    10 January 2005

    I know this is a lawyer. . .

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    and he is trying to defend his client but come on!
    Guy Womack, attorney for Specialist Charles Graner, said US cheerleaders often formed human pyramids.

    "Is that torture?" he asked, opening Spc Graner's defence on Monday.

    Context buddy, context!!

    Referring to pictures showing Spc Graner standing next to a pile of naked Iraqis, Spc Graner's lawyer said "pyramids" could legitimately be used as a "control technique".

    Another photo featured Pte Lynndie England, who has since had a child with Graner, leading a prisoner on a leash.

    Mr Womack said tethers were "a valid tool" when dealing not only with prisoners, but also with children.

    "You've probably been at a mall or airport and seen children on tethers; they're not being abused," he argued.

    He said the soldiers took pictures of each other "because no one did anything they thought was wrong".



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