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This is pretty cut-n-dry folks. It is not a conservative issue, a progressive issue, or a liberal issue (as some continue to claim I am). Posted by Geoff
GOP Tax Plan
This from the WaPo could use some discussion
Critics maintain that those tax cuts have overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy, while budget cuts target programs for the poor to close a deficit created largely by tax cuts totaling nearly $2 trillion since Bush took office.
Middle-income households would receive an average tax cut of $20 from the agreement, according to the joint Urban Institute-Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center, while 0.02 percent of households with incomes over $1 million would receive average tax cuts of $42,000.
The tax agreement would cut revenue to the Treasury by $90 billion over the next five years, but other measures would raise about $21 billion -- for a net loss to the Treasury of about $69 billion. By keeping the total five-year cost below $70 billion, negotiators satisfied arcane Senate budget rules, thus protecting the package from a filibuster and ensuring passage with a simple majority. I just don't understand this. How is this acceptable by any standard; how can America collectively accept this? Is it the trickle down theory?
Yeah, trickle right out of the country. Posted by Geoff
Senator Graham doesn't know the National Anthem
Via thinkprogress.org
And finally, in an informal poll to be aired on Dateline tonight, ABC reporters found that many members of Congress, including Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC), could not sing the entire national anthem. One spokesperson spotted the film crew and sent out a warning to others: “Heads up. We have been informed that there is a news organization with a camera crew outside (between the Capitol and Longworth) asking members to recite or sing the national anthem.”
Posted by Geoff
Logical progression of a dimwit
At first it was never...
The Pentagon rejected calls to shut down its detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba...
Bryan Whitman, a top Pentagon spokesman, said the military wasn't considering shutting Guantanamo, as suggested by a senior Senate Democrat. [6/7/05] Then it was maybe...
Yesterday the American President George W. Bush left the door open to an eventual closing of the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay... [6/9/05] Then no...
President George W. Bush rejected a suggestion by Germany's new leader that the U.S. close its prison at Guantanamo Bay, saying after a first meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel that the facility is "a necessary part of protecting the American people." [1/14/06] Now, again, it is a possibility...
President George W. Bush said he would like to close the U.S.-run prison at Guantanamo Bay -- a step urged by several U.S. allies -- but was awaiting a Supreme Court ruling on how suspects held there might be tried.
"Of course Guantanamo is a delicate issue for people. I would like to close the camp and put the prisoners on trial," Bush said in comments to German television to be broadcast on Sunday night. The interview was recorded last week. [5/7/06] Mr. President, close that prison. It is a national disgrace. Posted by Geoff