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    04 June 2004
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    Look no more bush ad's. In fact no more ad's at all.

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    03 June 2004
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    Four things to sum up the week (from funny to normal but outrageous lies):

    Right-wing shill-of-the-week:

    That's right, it's Don King.

    By by Georgie. . .

    Look what people in the worlds largest democracy have to say about us and what may happen to us if we are lucky enough to visit India:

    ' "Americans should not venture anywhere near imambaras, mazaars or other places of religious importance. For if they do, the responsibility of their security would lie with the tourism department or themselves..." Shia cleric Maulana Kalbe Jawwad who issued this veiled threat before a 20,000 strong crowd in Lucknow says Americans or Britons are not welcome in holy Muslim shrines. "With anti-US sentiments running so high, anything can happen to the tourists. What if some individual decides to settle scores on his own? We can't do anything about that," Maulana Jawwad told Lucknow Times. "By closing our doors on US and UK nationals we are sending out a very strong message. We want these tourists to tell everybody back home that they were unwelcome in India because of their leaders who are killing innocent Muslims and and destroying our shrines," Jawwad reasons. "In fact, most of our imambaras are replicas of shrines in Iraq . How can the Americans bomb the original sites and visit their replicas! Where is the logic in that? The bottomline is that Americans should stay away from the imambaras and similar places, because we would be very uncomfortable with their presence," he adds. '

    Damn, time to cancel my trip to Delhi!

    Now for the failed marriage of Ahmed Chalibi and Mr. bush.

    Dialogue that took place last February on "Meet the Press:"

    Russert: If the Iraqis choose, however, an Islamic extremist regime, would you accept that, and would that be better for the United States than Saddam Hussein?

    President Bush: They're not going to develop that. And the reason I can say that is because I'm very aware of this basic law they're writing. They're not going to develop that because right here in the Oval Office I sat down with Mr. Pachachi and Chalabi and al-Hakim, people from different parts of the country that have made the firm commitment, that they want a constitution eventually written that recognizes minority rights and freedom of religion.

    Furthermore, in November Mr. bush says that he had a thirty minute "Good Talk" with Mr. Chalibi at Baghdad International during his surprise Thanksgiving Day visit. He even had time for a picture:

    But in a recent press conference, when asked about Mr. Chalibi the Dialogue was a little different:

    Q: Thank you, Mr. President. Mr. Chalabi is an Iraqi leader that's fallen out of favor within your administration. I'm wondering if you feel that he provided any false information, or are you particularly --

    THE PRESIDENT: Chalabi?

    Q: Yes, with Chalabi.

    THE PRESIDENT: My meetings with him were very brief. I mean, I think I met with him at the State of the Union and just kind of working through the rope line, and he might have come with a group of leaders. But I haven't had any extensive conversations with him.

    Q: I guess I'm asking, do you feel like he misled your administration, in terms of what the expectations were going to be going into Iraq?

    THE PRESIDENT: I don't remember anybody walking into my office saying, Chalabi says this is the way it's going to be in Iraq.

    There you have it!


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    by-by George . . .

    Tenet came to the White House to inform Bush about his decision Wednesday night. "He told me he was resigning for personal reasons," Bush said. "I told him I'm sorry he's leaving. He's done a superb job on behalf of the American people."

    Is that true????

    Where are the WMD's, I thought it was a "Slam Dunk!" What about Osama? And didn't something happen in September of 2001?

    Anyway, he resigned to save face from his outing of Valerie Plame to punish Joe Wilsonfor telling the truth about the WMD's. Now Bosh needs a Lawyer.

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    Look who bush's new friend is. . .

    That's right it's you Don. F'n idiot!


    02 June 2004
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    Don't hate me because I'm american, I hate Bush. . .

    Look, this war on terror has failed. Look what the rumor is in India:

    TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 2004


    ' "Americans should not venture anywhere near imambaras, mazaars or other places of religious importance. For if they do, the responsibility of their security would lie with the tourism department or themselves..." Shia cleric Maulana Kalbe Jawwad who issued this veiled threat before a 20,000 strong crowd in Lucknow says Americans or Britons are not welcome in holy Muslim shrines. "With anti-US sentiments running so high, anything can happen to the tourists. What if some individual decides to settle scores on his own? We can't do anything about that," Maulana Jawwad told Lucknow Times. "By closing our doors on US and UK nationals we are sending out a very strong message. We want these tourists to tell everybody back home that they were unwelcome in India because of their leaders who are killing innocent Muslims and and destroying our shrines," Jawwad reasons. "In fact, most of our imambaras are replicas of shrines in Iraq . How can the Americans bomb the original sites and visit their replicas! Where is the logic in that? The bottomline is that Americans should stay away from the imambaras and similar places, because we would be very uncomfortable with their presence," he adds. '

    Way to go you fucking Republicans! Remember,"By any means necessary!" I am not alone.

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    Well it's late but tonight is/was an important night as a small step forward towards taking back the House. Keeping up with the polls in S.D. (scroll to the bottom third to get to the most recent election results for the House, the rest is the Democratic primary results)it looks like the House of Rep. will be tilting a little more to the LEFT, maybe america is regaining her sanity (hopefully by mid Nov. I'll be able to spell it with an 'A'), anyway:




    here is the replacment Rep. Mrs. Herseth

    About 3,000+ votes difference, Kerry won big with 82%

    This "victory" will be short lived, she will have to run again in Nov. and the Republican contender admitted he would be happy if he was within 5% (if my memory serves me correctly). All things said and done, leader Daschle has his work cut out for him in November. But don't we all?

    01 June 2004
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    Someone told me once that you should never get old. . .

    But I can't wait.

    Also, I received this from the non-partisan Annenberg Political Fact Check:

    "Kerry's ads have mostly been like this one, all positive with no mention of Bush. The Washington Post reported over the weekend that an analysis done for the newspaper by the Campaign Media Analysis Group found that the Bush campaign has run ads saying negative things about Kerry 49,050 times -- amounting to 75 percent of Bush's campaign advertising. Kerry however has run negative ads against Bush 13,336 times -- or just 27 percent of his total."

    But that's probably because god picked Bush and he is perfect. Tee-Hee

    31 May 2004
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    Although the feedback I get makes me believe that a majority of people I deal with agree with my positions on our government and Iraq, I'm sure that some think I am overlooking the good. The problem is that the good coming out of Iraq and Washington are at an all time low. But one thing freedom breeds is expression, shown in this art exhibit.

    Thx, to Back to Iraq.

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    Reading some opinions and came across this.

    It was a typical week in the life of the Bush reelection machine.

    Last Monday in Little Rock, Vice President Cheney said Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kerry "has questioned whether the war on terror is really a war at all" and said the senator from Massachusetts "promised to repeal most of the Bush tax cuts within his first 100 days in office."

    On Tuesday, President Bush's campaign began airing an ad saying Kerry would scrap wiretaps that are needed to hunt terrorists.

    The same day, the Bush campaign charged in a memo sent to reporters and through surrogates that Kerry wants to raise the gasoline tax by 50 cents.

    On Wednesday and Thursday, as Kerry campaigned in Seattle, he was greeted by another Bush ad alleging that Kerry now opposes education changes that he supported in 2001.

    The charges were all tough, serious -- and wrong, or at least highly misleading. Kerry did not question the war on terrorism, has proposed repealing tax cuts only for those earning more than $200,000, supports wiretaps, has not endorsed a 50-cent gasoline tax increase in 10 years, and continues to support the education changes, albeit with modifications.

    In my opinion the Bush tax cuts should go. The war on terror is not a war it is a failure like the war on drugs the war on poverty and the war on anything else, it will never be won because no one has defined a goal. Finally, gas should cost more and as long as Haliburton or similar companies are not making profits from this higher price of oil and gas then I am all for it. However, these claims put fourth by the Bush regime are all false, surprise. These people are the real evil among us and they should be eliminated, by any means necessary.


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