American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.

October 2008: Syria attacks Israel
So says van Crevald... Posted by Geoff
Spanish police claim to have nabbed Ali Alishtari colleague
For an overview on who Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali Alishtari (aka Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali ALLSHTARI and Michael Mixon) is here is a starting point. The short version is that he is a lifetime member of the National Republican Senate Committee's Inner Circle who has given $35k to various Republican organizations over the years. He is accused of donating over $100k to terror groups in Pakistan. He is currently being held on charges including terrorism financing, material support of terrorism and other charges in NY. He pleaded not guilty.
To date, the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has donated his donations to a charitable organization. The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is still "extremely concerned and disturbed" but not enough to follow the NRSC and donate its portion to charity.
Reuters has the latest:
Spanish police have arrested a Canadian man [Brian David Anderson, 61] suspected of helping finance Islamist military operations, the interior ministry said on Monday. ... It said Anderson was thought to be linked to Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali Alishtari, a New York businessman who has been indicted on terrorism charges in the United States and is also accused of funding Afghan military projects. [UPDATE] The FBI was involved
FBI spokesman Richard Kolko said in Washington that his buro worked with international law enforcement and intelligence community partners to locate and arrest Anderson. He added that the investigation is continuing.
Posted by Geoff
LTTE: For Graham, penalty depends on who is lying
Letter to the Editor in the State by yours truly:
The decision by Sen. Lindsey Graham to openly admit that convicted felon I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby is a candidate for a presidential pardon is disgraceful to our system of laws and morals and an assault on our national security.
Perjury is a crime, and in the context of this case, it is a high crime. During the impeachment of President Clinton, Sen. Lindsey Graham understood that “we are a nation of laws.” Referring to Clinton, Graham stated that “he committed crimes resulting in cheating our legal system.” We all know that Libby will be pardoned in the end, but Graham has now tacitly called for it.
I was willing to accept Sen. Graham a few years back. He seemed to be a moderate Republican voice in an otherwise conservative Republican state. But Mr. Graham is clever. He plays a moderate on TV, but in real life he is just like the rest of them. So I will work against Mr. Graham, as will others. For I have a working moral compass, and it now points in that direction. Here's the unedited version I initally submitted, it was edited for space:
Title: Pardon me?
The decision by South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham to openly admit that convicted felon Irving Lewis Libby Jr. (also known as "Scooter") is a candidate for a presidential pardon is disgraceful to our system of laws, morals and an assault on our national security. Perjury is a crime and in the context of this case it is a high crime. During the impeachment of President Clinton, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham understood that "[w]e are a nation of laws." Referring to Clinton, Graham stated that "[h]e committed crimes, resulting in cheating our legal system." We all know that Libby will be pardoned in the end, but Graham has now tacitly called for it.
The blood of over 3000 Americans and the grief of their families and friends can be attributed in part to Libby's crime and related actions. Now Graham has condoned them. The comparison is not "apples and oranges," it is life or death. It is war. A crime regarding sexual relations is laughable when compared to perjury and obstruction of justice in the context of national security and surrounding events of a state attacking a citizen over politics. But Graham appears to have put his party before his country and looked past these truths.
Mrs. Plame's identity was a state secret. Her life and the lives of others around her depended on that secrecy. This secrecy is a crucial part of our national security. The names of past CIA agents, some from as long as 50 years ago, are concealed by our government -- to this very day -- in order to conceal their identity and ensure the protection of their family and friends. It is that important. Taking the point of view that the disclosure of an agent is appropriate for anyone -- especially in a personal attack -- is not in the national interest and is indeed an act against it.
I was willing to accept Senator Graham a few years back. He seemed to be a moderate Republican voice in an otherwise conservative Republican state. But Mr. Graham is clever. He plays a moderate on TV, but in real life he is just like the rest of them. So I will work against Mr. Graham, as will others. For I have a working moral compass and it now points in that direction.
Posted by Geoff