American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.
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21 June 2005
Bolton's time in the Senate is done, Dr. Frist [UPDATE - 347 pm]It seems that Dr. Frist really is a bush lap-dog. After a meeting with Bush, THEN Frist flips. Ahheeem…Flip-Flop [UPDATE - 307 pm]Frist has reversed and now says that he will push vore[sic: for] a vote. As long as the Dems are kept in the dark on the nominee, I'd say it will be hard to get a vote out of the Senate. Either nominate someone else, or appoint Bolton during the recess. Frist says that Bolton will not get a vote in the Senate and his fate rests on Bush. Expect a recess appointment; as I'd be surprised if the Repub leadership would break and send another, more qualified, appointment to the Senate. Follow-up from this. 1:49 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // |
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