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    28 June 2005

    Bush speaks at Fort Brag; Prime Time

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    Dear George,

    First of all Iraq and Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 11 September 2005. That is very true, accept it. Therefore, your entire rational was wrong for invading Iraq. I do however support our troops and I support your decision to stay the course without a time table. Leaving now would be a worse mistake than going to war in the first place. I would like to know how and why we went into Iraq instead of fighting the terrorist in Afghanistan; the base of bin Laden, al-Qaeda, and the Taliban. I would like to know why the greatest force on the planet lack armor and are unable to control parts of the country. How is that support? Each time we sweep through the triangle we lose more (wo)men; yet we don’t send the extra troops needed to quell the violence. It’s your call Mr. President but I’d send a few more troops. Furthermore, why do we send our troops and Iraqi troops out on patrol but at the end of the mission they are split back up? There is no unity between the hybrid units if it only spends time together on patrol.

    I thought your use of the Lebanon elections was disingenuous; Lebanon has always been a democracy. It was once weighted towards the Christian population, now it is even. That is good. But what developed was a once limited Hezbollah almost tripling their power. So, sir, take this out of your resume, it is not your accomplishment.

    Some other things I noticed was when he said ‘the sober opinion of an officer’ or something…

    Is Bush drinking?

    I also noticed his face when he claimed was talking about leaving, I don’t think he has any plans to leave anytime soon.

    (speech text)


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