American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.
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25 July 2005
McCain is acting unusual
David Corn notes
Sadly, John McCain has been drawn into this dishonest campaign. McCain has tried to promote himself as the straight-talking politician. You might even think he would be a candidate to perform the specific ritual I mentioned above: the from-within-the-party blast. But scratch him from that list. On Hardball a few nights ago, McCain once again placed politics and loyalty to Bush (the guy who dragged McCain's reputation through the mud in 2000) above straight talk. He repeatedly defended Rove, saying that when Rove confirmed Valerie Wilson's CIA ID for Bob Novak and Matt Cooper he was merely countering "false information" being put out by former Joseph Wilson "concerning whether Dick Cheney sent him to Africa." McCain went on: "It's understandable why Rove would say to a reporter, 'Hey, look, the vice president did not send Wilson to Niger. It was done at the recommendation of his wife, et cetera, et cetera.'" When McCain is reigned in to repeat the talking points you know that there is a serious problem in the administration. Corn ends by noting During the interview, Matthews remarked to McCain, "You are known to have a higher ethical standard than most politicians." McCain responded, "I hope." Agreed, McCain has lost all of my respect. It's a shame, up until 2000 he was a great politician. What's next for McCain, will he claim DeLay is Jesus? 1:57 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // |
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