American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.
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12 July 2005
The Rovian war on the CIA
Juan Cole has a nice summary of the Joe Wilson/Iraq-Niger ordeal and how it should make the public feel about Rove and the rest of this administration. Along with how this sort of thing is very damaging to the security of our country, not just our crediblity.
But Rove's revenge on Wilson was the ultimate. Plame was undercover as an employee of a phony energy company. She was actually investigating illegal proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. When Rove blew her cover to the US press, everyone who had ever been seen with her in Africa or Asia was put in extreme danger. It is said that some of her contacts may have been killed. Imagine the setback to the US struggle against weapons of mass destruction proliferation that this represents. Rove marched us off to Iraq, where there weren't any. But he disrupted a major effort by the CIA to fight WMD that really did exist. Well put, as usual, Dr. Cole. 11:54 AM // Blogroll AE // Email // |
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