American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.
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08 July 2005
a weekend question... [/w rant]
Where do you think the rest of the trainees from the Afghan, and elsewhere, training camps went? Sure a lot of them were trained for infantry operations; but a small percentage (numbering in the thousands?) were likely trained for covert and long term operations.
As far as terror goes, I think there will be more of this. I think that it will be spread out and patiently planned; it will not be a spree of bombings. I think my children will have to live through similar situations. The problem is that this is life now; we can not hope to continue, as is, without a threat of terrorism; if fact there will always be terrorism as long as there is free thought. The only way we can improve our current situation is by changing our policies; as I've weakly outlined here. No matter how much we fight this with bullets and bombs, the bigger our enemy grows. It is as if we were trying to extinguish a fire while pouring gasoline on it. 4:21 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // |
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