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    15 August 2005

    Action Alert - Jim DeMint

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    I've just learned, at this late hour, that my/our Senator, Jim DeMint, was asked how he felt about the "lady down in Texas", Cindy Sheehan today in a Sam's/Wal-Mart warehouse. His response was, "those people are the enemy".

    While he is right, Jim is my enemy and someone I personally fear; he has no right to say that about a woman (or anyone) who has made the ultimate sacrifice for a 'fixed' war on Iraq; politics aside! His actions, once again, are reprehensible and a disgrace to the honor of our countries armed forces and the citizens they serve. Remember that the number of supporters of Cindy, in Texas, outnumber the anti-supporters 3 to 1 now and have been much higher in the first half of his vacation; this ratio is likely to increase as the president finishes his unprecedentedly long vacation. With failed policies at home and abroad, Mr. Bush has no home field advantage anymore. He is a failure and the support granted, blindly, to him by the GOP and their brain-washed followers indicates a sad low for democracy in America.

    Please, if you have a minute, call or write our friend; it is the patriotic thing to do. He is home now and his ears should be open to his constituents.

    Info - http://demint.senate.gov/

    Email - http://demint.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.Home


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