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    14 June 2004
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    Mr. Ashcroft announced Monday that a Columbus Mall was a target of an al-Qaida bombing plot. Just in, more to come I'm sure. . .

    Also this Wednesday, a new anti-bush group will have its first news conference. I say anti-bush because they do not endorse Democrat John Kerry. This group is called Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change it consistis of 26 retired U.S. diplomats and military officers who urge American to vote bush out in November.

    "Prominent members include retired Marine Gen. Joseph P. Hoar, commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East during the administration of Bush's father; retired Adm. William J. Crowe Jr., ambassador to Britain under President Clinton and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President Reagan; and Jack F. Matlock Jr., a member of the National Security Council under Reagan and ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1987 to 1991."

    A quote from William Harrop, former ambassador to Israel under President George Bush Senior:
    "A lot of people felt the work they had done over their lifetime in trying to build a situation in which the United States was respected and could lead the rest of the world was now undermined by this administration - by the arrogance, by the refusal to listen to others, the scorn for multilateral organizations."


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