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    18 May 2005

    WaPo spits truth re: Newsweek [UPDATE]

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    Desecration of Koran Had Been Reported Before
    Newsweek magazine's now-retracted story that a military guard at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, flushed a copy of the Koran down a toilet has sparked angry denunciations by the White House and the Pentagon, which have linked the article to Muslim riots and deaths abroad.

    But American and international media have widely reported similar allegations from detainees and others of desecration of the Muslim holy book for more than two years.

    Thank You!

    [UPDATE] MSNBC adds to the truth

    Bringing up the question,'Why would the Pentagon release this rule change if nothing ever happened?'
    "When I wanted to pray, they would burst into my cell with police dogs to terrorize me and prevent me from praying," he said. "They also would trample the Koran underfoot and throw it in the urine bucket. We staged protests in the prison about the desecrating of the Holy Koran, so the management promised us that they would issue orders to the American soldiers not to touch the copies of the Koran again."

    The Pentagon issued those rules on Jan. 19, 2003, requiring that the Koran not be placed on "the floor, near the toilet or sink, near the feet, or dirty/wet areas."


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