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    28 February 2006

    On Civil War

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    Pat Lang: Rumsfeld or someone said that Democracy is a messy business. This isn't democracy unless one thinks that bullets count more than votes in places like Iraq, but it IS a long term process of settling issues of power and wealth among the communities in Mesopotamia.

    I have said for a long time now that Iraq was in a state of civil war. Civil war does not = exit strategy for me. We are where we are in Iraq as a result of our own foolish actions and misconceptions. Yes. Casualties are up. Yes. They may get even higher in numbers. Does that mean that a final crisis is upon us? No. Iraqis would not accept that and I think that they would be right.

    Can we walk away? I have seen my country walk away from people who trusted it too many times. If the "American People" want to walk away from those who have sided with us in Iraq. then we should start preparing for refugee re-settlement. There will be no forgiveness for those who sided with us in a post US Iraq.

    For my part, I will have nothing to do with abandoning them and I believe that US soldiers in Iraq would not want that either.


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