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    03 October 2006

    14 [UPDATED]

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    The number of US military personnel killed this month as of 3 October.

    I hope this peace plan has teeth!

    [UPDATE] Chip just couldn't resist. He says,
    You know, it's one think [sic] to debate policy.

    It's another entirely to put up smarmy little posts celebrating the deaths of people who gave their lives to make sure he has the right to be such an asshat.

    Really, you're a dipshit.

    Jeez, I hope a peace plan works in the face of mass killings of Americans, and I get called a dipshit by a conservative Republican.

    My only crime, I guess, was reporting the news. My bad...

    One question, does this kind of personal attack count as someone unsuccessfully attempting to crush dissent?

    Posted by Geoff


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