American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.
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30 October 2007
Cheney joining Colbert as president of SC? The Confederate flag issue. Not a big deal to me. I understand the historical and cultural context in which it exists. I'm fine with South Carolinians looking intolerant with that flag on their trucks. I'm fine with the South in general doing the same. It's a free country. I see it as a necessary reminder of who won the Civil War rather than a historical and cultural relic. But for a man who hails from Union territory (Nebraska and Wyoming) to hunt at club in upstate New York (a union state) to that actively embraces that symbol is pretty appalling. And it's probably good politics here in the South. Maybe he's planning to be Colbert's running mate. Posted by Geoff Labels: Cheney, confederate flag, conservative, intolerance, Republicans, South 10:48 AM // Blogroll AE // Email // |
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