American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.
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23 May 2004
In Early 2004 the president's chief economic adviser, Greg Mankiw wrote that outsourcing was a plus for the economy in the long run," and "a new way of doing international trade."
The president promptly went into damage control mode and made this statement in Pennsylvania, "The numbers are good, but I don't worry about numbers. I worry about people. There are still some people looking for work because of the recession. There are people looking for work because jobs have gone overseas. And we need to act in this country. We need to act to make sure there are more jobs at home and people are more likely to retain a job." This being said, the Bush/Cheney (Cheney/Bush) reelection campaign was the topic in a recent article in the Hindustan Times coming out of India. This article claims that for over a year from May 2002 to July 2003 there were "some 125 agents working in seven teams soliciting financial contributions for the Republican Party." The goal of these agents was to mobilize "support for President George W. Bush and solicit political contributions ranging between $5 and $3,000 from lists of registered Republican voters. The voters database was provided by the Republican National Committee (RNC), the party's premier political organization." The original contract was meant for the Washington based Capital Communications Group. Does the president support outsourcing? 1:43 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // |
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