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    07 August 2005

    Libby told Miller about Plame

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    Murray Waas reports that Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, was the source for Judith Miller. He told her on 8 July 2005; 2 days after Joe Wilson's Op-Ed on the Iraq-Niger-Uranium connection in this administrations rational for the war on Iraq and 3 days before Novak printed the administrations response (which was outing Wilson's wife and CIA operative/employee). This is "according to legal sources familiar with Libby's account."

    The chorus should now be, "LIBBY, RELEASE MILLER! FREE JUDITH MILLER!"

    The investigation is going great right now, and it looks like Fitzgerald has his sights looked on the proper traitors. However, the fix is in. Fitzgerald's boss is soon to be replaced with fellow Skull and Bones member and classmate at Yale, Robert McCallum. (scooped by RAW STORY)


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