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    05 August 2005

    Pat Robertson and now Reverend Fred Phelps; both a disgrace

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    It started here when Robertson prayed for more vacancies in the Supreme Court; one can only assume he wants Rehnquist to become very sick or another younger justice to be injured or killed. Now, fellow right-winger, Reverend Fred Phelps
    A Baptist group from Kansas has announced it plans to picket Friday at the funeral of Spc. Adam Harting.

    Portage, Ind., police learned about the group's intentions by fax Wednesday.

    "We're doing everything here to ensure the safety of everyone involved," Chief Cliff Burch said.

    The Westboro Baptist Church, based in Topeka, is not specifically targeting Harting, who died in Iraq last week.

    It pickets at military funerals all over the country, saying God is killing U.S. soldiers as punishment to America for allowing homosexuality.

    The group also has announced plans to picket at military funerals in Minnesota, Alabama and California this week.

    It protested in Valparaiso, Chesterton and Gary in 1998 after a gay-awareness poster was allowed in a Chesterton classroom.

    Army Sgt. Bob Jaso, military liaison to the Harting family, said the group tries to provoke physical confrontation with mourners.

    You know Rev. Phelps, while your logic as to why our men and women are dying is, IMHO, completely asinine; you may state you beliefs in protest at the appropriate place and time. That said, the funeral of one or any of Americas finest is not the place for your shenanigans.

    The actions of Phelps and his acolytes is reprehensible. They invite the senseless death of Americans (subscription needed) in this bloody and pointless war.
    In an interview broadcast Thursday afternoon on the "Ralph Bailey Show" on News/Talk 1560 KNZR, Westboro pastor Fred Phelps openly celebrated the deaths of American soldiers serving in Iraq.

    "You're a happy man today. Four more Americans died and you're a happy man. You're pleased about that," Bailey said to Phelps.

    "Absolutely, and you ought to be," Phelps said. "Look, the veracity of God's involved here. He hasn't done near the damage to this nation that he ought to do and that he will do. This nation's got to repent."

    But ministers and clergy from mainstream denominations condemned Phelps' message Thursday.

    Disgrace, period.


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