American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.
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03 September 2005
More on the Presidents photo op
It's now coming out that the presendital visit staged by the white house not only tied up vital personel and equipment. It was all an elaborate plan to fake progress for political cover. Senator Landreiu
“Yesterday, I was hoping President Bush would come away from his tour of the regional devastation triggered by Hurricane Katrina with a new understanding for the magnitude of the suffering and for the abject failures of the current Federal Emergency Management Agency. 24 hours later, the President has yet to answer my call for a cabinet-level official to lead our efforts. Meanwhile, FEMA, now a shell of what it once was, continues to be overwhelmed by the task at hand. How unbelievably uncalled for and embarassing. If Mr. Bush was in front of my face right now I'd spit on him, and I'd spit on Michael Brown GDM-hfiend 9:39 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // |
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