American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.
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07 December 2005
The Schiavo name reenters the news
I though that this was going to be a fundamentalist evangelical cuckoo charity, but it isn't. This isn't Terri's parents but rather her husband Michael.
Michael Schiavo wants to make sure voters don't forget Terri Schiavo. The site is up and running here: [UPDATE] (link) "This was the first time since we looked at both houses that we had to leave the Senate off," said Tom McClusky, the FRC's (Family Research Council, a right-wing religious organization) director of government affairs. This goes well with the whole collapse of the religious aspect of the Hasert and Frist Congress. I mean the fact that they hold the legislative and executive branches of DC, but have been unable to keep up with their agenda is amazing (and very fortunate for America). This highlights, what I would call, group-think with in the religious right. They think they are a huge organization with major political power. When in reality most Americans (right/left, the average church member, or the agnostics) do not approve of the agenda of the right. This all started when the right injected itself into Schiavo family issues. ... Off course their is a connection, you went to far and it damaged the leaders in congress. It also doesn't help when you blindly support a person for so-called salient topics (which outside of the group are just trivial issues) and that blind support in turn leads to more neocon BS, or tax cuts for a handful of rich capitalist. Posted by Geoff 12:49 PM // Blogroll AE // Email // |
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