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    07 December 2005

    Nobel Prize winner Pinter speaks truth to power

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    Nobel Prize for Literature recipient and writer Harold Pinter attacks Bush and Blair.
    Most politicians "are interested not in truth but in power and the maintenance of that power"
    On Wednesday his lecture, entitled Art, Truth and Politics, studied the importance of truth in art before decrying its perceived absence in politics.

    He said politicians feel it is "essential that people remain in ignorance, that they live in ignorance of the truth, even the truth of their own lives".

    Pinter said the US justification for invading Iraq - that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction - "was not true".

    "The truth is something entirely different," Pinter added. "The truth is to do with how the United States understands its role in the world and how it chooses to embody it."

    Pinter said that since World War II the US government "supported and in many cases engendered every right-wing military dictatorship in the world".

    "I refer to Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador and, of course, Chile."
    He added: "You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good."

    Referring to Blair's support for the US-led war on Iraq, Pinter described the "pathetic and supine" Great Britain as "a bleating little lamb tagging behind (the US) on a lead".


    So it's easy; educate the masses, teach them to accept truth, and we'll have far less Republicans (I mean the new kind, the Bush Repubs, Neocons, and wingnuts) and, of course, less instances of 'good actor, poor leader'.

    Posted by Geoff


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