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    07 August 2006

    Bush to cut 'n run if civil war becomes too much

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    The debate on whether or not Iraq is in a civil war is debatable, though now it is a debate over semantics only and a deflection from reality. Much like the debate last November on whether Iraq was an insurgent state - a debate lost by Rumsfeld.

    Well just to be safe, we now have word that the administration is planning to cut 'n run if they decide that Iraq is indeed in a state of civil war.
    President Bush will move U.S. troops out of Iraq if the country descends into civil war, according to one senior Bush aide who declined to be named while talking about internal strategy. "If there's a full-blown civil war, the president isn't going to allow our forces to be caught in the crossfire," the aide said. "But institutionally, the government of Iraq isn't breaking down.

    Like a civil war can only exist if a government isn't present...

    Back to the theme, will the right-wing stand for this outrageous revelation?

    Posted by Geoff


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