American Entropy is dedicated to the disruption and discrediting of neoconservative actions and the extreme ideals of the religious right.

Charleston Debate: Inside McAlister Field House
I managed to get inside and take a walk through of McAlister Field House this morning with a representative from CNN. I snapped a few pictures of the debate stage and the exterior of McAlister. Inside and outside are both looking very nice, though I was surprised at how few seats they were using inside McAlister. The campus is quiet and there was a surprising lack of chaos for it being less than 30 hours till show time. I guess these guys are pro's...
Here is a brief mosaic of some of the pics I took (scroll over the pic to get a better view, click on it to view full size):
As for me, I'll be blogging about anything interesting I notice all day Monday. But my priority is doing audio for a radio show that in produced from my department at the College. I was lucky enough to have the normal audio engineer take a vacation this week. The show, Conversations with Joan Mack (Archive and iTunes) will air in a few weeks rather than on Monday during the event. It will be mostly local leader interviews and maybe a candidate or two, or their wives(/husbands?). While this will be a priority, I expect to have a lot of free time throughout the day.
So during the day tomorrow I'll start an amended post and update it in reverse chronological order with observations, pics, and maybe audio. I'm not a reporter so I'll probably just comment on the behind the scenes of one of these things rather than risk life and limb to hear talking points. If I have an opportunity though I will ask questions. I have a list made and have requested that anyone with thoughtful questions send them (written or on YouTube) to me so that I can add them to my list. We'll see where the moment takes me... I wish I could do some video but my laptop runs Final Cut Pro slowly and I want to experience this rather than waiting for renderings, compression and uploading to complete (if someone wants to buy me a new Mac I'll gladly accept it!). During the debate and afterwards, I'll post some YouTube questions I shot at local bars last week (provided they aren't picked). If you shot one and would like to have it posted just let me know via comment or email.
That's all for now, hope you check in periodically tomorrow. Posted by Geoff